Hunting butterflies Impressions from our weekend trip to the Papiliorama in Kerzers… Continue Reading →
Starbucks City Mug #35: Jordanien Country: Jordania Received: 12.06.2010 Brought to me: Benno Rohrbach Complete overview of all my city mugs Continue Reading →
Starbucks City Mug #34: Las Vegas Country: USA (#2) Received: 14.05.2010 Brought to me: Janine Toggweiler Complete overview of all my city mugs Continue Reading →
Ice fishing IS fun After having made lots of fun about the ice fishers back in Porvoo, I wanted to try it by myself. Continue Reading →
Good start into 2010 After my well deserved outtime back in Switzerland, I returned to Helsinki together with Fabienne. Continue Reading →
Swimming in the bunker After having done already a lot of running and some crosscountry skiing, I decided today to look for a swimming hall. Continue Reading →
Still alive! It has been a while since my trip to Joensuu – no wonder everybody keeps asking me about what’s going on here in Helsinki :-) Let me try to summarise the last three events: University Just after our weekend trip, we got a visit from the people at FGI. Continue Reading →
Skiing season is opened! Even though it snowed only in the north of finland until now, Helsinki offers several possibilities for cross country skiing. Continue Reading →