in Geomatics

Master thesis done – ETH done

Done with my master thesis
Done with my master thesis

Finally, after 16 weeks of work, I handed in my master thesis! In the beginning I had some troubles, knowing where to start, and mainly informed myself reading lots of papers. As soon as I started programming, I realised that I had the big advantage of already knowing my data. Therefore I didn’t have to first analyse my data set and could start programming additional tools right away. Later, after an extensive demotivated phase, Ilkka brought me back on track, so that I can now end ETH with a really great master thesis.

Master thesis presentation


ISPRS Technical Symposium Commission 7

As we handed in the paper, on which Ilkka and I (and many others) were working during last winter, for a presentation at the ISPRS technical symposium, of course I had to be there as well. I always wanted to participate such an ISPRS even, especially to be able to compare it to the different IGSMs I have been to. Because the meeting took place on the same weekend as the deadline for my thesis was, this was the perfect opportunity to finish my report until then and therefore also end my time at ETH.

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  1. Hallo Felix. Herzlichi Gratulation zum Abschluss vo dinem Studium. Das sind jo super News us Zueri. Haesch scho gneuers vor fuer dini Zuakunft? Ganz an liaba Gruass, Michaela

    • Im Moment versuech i mol mis Lebe wieder z’ordne, und glichziitig bini au chli am Job sueche. Mol luege wo dass ich denn lande werd ;-) Villicht fang i jo denn au z’Australie a schaffe :-) Es isch uf jede Fall momentan alles offe…

  2. Hey Felix! Ich gratulier!! Super, ändig bisch usem c62 entloh und muesch nümmi elei im Käller hocke! Wobi elei bisch jo nie gseh hehe :-) Abr scho no schad, jetzt muesi dini Nummere striiche und ka dir nümmi abe telefoniere (nimmt mi abr scho kli wunder, wär als nächtschs hinterem Telefon wird sitze, könnts jo mol usprobiere hehe). Machsch no bizli Ferie bevors denn wieder wiiter goht? Was Australie? So cool, wie kunnsch denn do dezue? Wär jo dr Hammer!