in Sport, Training

Time for another half marathon!

In less than a week it is once again time for another half marathon… This year I decided to try the new Helsinki Half Marathon. Helsinki always had a half-marathon called Helsinki City Run, but so far I have always been too late to sign up for this race. But then I stumpled upon this new Helsinki Half Marathon which will be organized for the first time this year. And when I saw that the track leads through the eastern part of Helsinki (basically my home turf from the early days in Finland), I decided that this is going to be this year’s half marathon!


Training has gone fairly ok… I might have slacked off a bit since the Engadin Skimarathon, but this year’s Länsiväyläjuoksu showed that I’m still in decent shape. Maybe I should add some extra training in the coming days…

Let’s see how it goes, but I definitely look forward to this event!

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