
Race Schedule 2015

This is how it looked like a while ago on my facebook account:

Yep, that’s right, I might have gone slightly carried away but decided to have a full range of half marathons and even a full marathon!

It’s nothing new that I have 6(+1) races on my list – it’s similar to last year. But to avoid that I will skip any of them I already signed up and payed them in advance – no excuses anymore.

So let’s look at what I have planned for this year:

08.03.15 – Engadin Skimarathon

The Engadin Skimarathon already took place and was once again a successful event. This might have been the last time I participated – let’s see what will be next…

26.04.15 – Länsiväyläjuoksu

17.4km around the bay between Helsinki and Espoo. A truly scenic run with a very familiar atmosphere. This will be my third time participating and I hope that I will once again manage to improve my time.

16.05.15 – Helsinki City Run

This is more or less the “official” Helsinki Half Marathon which has existed for a while now. So far I always missed the registration deadline or it was fully booked before I realized that I should sign up. This year I’m on the list and look forward to another great half-marathon experience!

06.06.15 – Helsinki Half Marathon

The newbie on the block which premiered last year. While I was slightly disappointed by the tunnelidisco last year it was still a nice event which motivated me to register again. Unfortunately this year will collide with the IGSM and I might therefore not in best running conditions… but hey – this will just give me some extra challenge…

15.08.15 – Runner’s Twilight Helsinki

Another run I have not participated before. This half-marathon takes place around the central forested area in Helsinki and will have two loops of 10km.

29.08.15 – MidnightRun Helsinki

Yep – it’s time for the Midnight Run again. Maybe it is just because of the bright colored shirts, but I definitely like this casual event.

19.09.15 – Espoon Rantamarathon

Last year I did the half-marathon, this year I will give the full marathon a try. Definitely the highlight of this season and hopefully I will not embarrass myself too much.

That’s it!

As always you are very welcome to join me for any of these races. Just let me know and I will plan a nice sport holiday package around the event :-)

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